Sunday, September 16, 2012

From My Core

Time with my family always makes me appreciate more of the outstanding people in my life as well as the great things that I've accomplished. Family is a great support system; however, so are loyal, honest, and irreplaceable friends. I've never restricted family to just a "relation by blood". There happens to be a few crazy people that can put up with my sometimes long-winded nature, pride (don't like sharing if I'm going through), and unorthodox disposition. *wink*

Therefore, from my core I MUST shout out Antonio Daniels, Jennifer Kendricks, and Ebony White.

No matter how much love and SUPPORT you give your friends, they are still human beings.  Some people may modestly say that one shouldn't have to go to such lengths to express how appreciative they are for these friends that are more like family members, but I beg to differ.  I prefer to give those I love their flowers while they are still here.  Some prefer to give shout outs via their Facebook and Twitter statuses and I want to add to all of those, another social media shout out via blog post. LOL!

Here are three things about each of my extended family members. Now whether they want me to share these things with you *shrugging shoulders* . . .

Ebony (Eb)
~ Has served our country in the United States Air Force for several years, including two tours of deployment
~ Funny as hell and has one of the most self-less giving spirits
~ Eats a lot, has two left feet, and is not so good with driving directions

Jennifer (Jenn)
~ An incredible mother to my AJ
~ One of the "shoutingest" <--yeah its a word, friends that I have.
~ Is the other half of Ladies n Libatons and has shared numerous glasses of wine with me as well as concocted many a cocktail 

Antonio (T)
~ Honest without any filter, loves me relentlessly, and is my blogging partner over at Everyday Street Bible.
~ One of the most well researched and smartest men in my life
~  Plays around, but can actually sing. *pssst* He let me hear a recording of him singing in church when he was younger

The aforementioned three ah-mazing people have ALWAYS been there for me when I needed them,  whether via phone call or unwanted personal visits, knows when somethings is wrong even if I say "I'm fine", and have shown me tough love each time by telling me what I need to hear as opposed to what I want to hear.  They are irreplaceable to me and just as important as family.  By all means, please feel moved to share your constants, roots, and pillars of strength that you consider to simply be extended family.  If time permits, uncork a bottle and/or mix up some drinks to enjoy with those same people. If you follow Ladies n Libations on Twitter, use #FromMyCore and let those friends know that they are appreciated by you. From my core; therefore, Tony, Jenn, and Eb  . . . thank you for being more than a friend and adding to loving me like family.

San, The Red Head